Even though we’ve turned it into a business, managing multiple websites can still be a tough job. When you’re performance and results-driven, there’s not much downtime, especially if a client website actually experiences downtime. User behavior can be difficult to analyze; trends are difficult to predict. That means a successful website needs constant attention to keep users, and their actual customers, happy. I’ve written about the different website vitals everyone should know because just a little monitoring can go a long way. Even just a 0.1 increase in page speed can lead to over 8% more page views and conversions.

Those aren’t huge numbers, but they can make a huge difference.

Implementing SEO tools and metrics that monitor performance as well as keeping an eye on UX features, will keep users happy and on the site for longer sessions. But to put it simply, this isn’t a simple task.

Monitoring performance metrics can be tedious and tricky, but we’ve mastered it. So instead of spending ages online trying to figure out how to improve conversion rates, we’ve come up with ways to track performance and maintenance in bulk. But first, let’s talk about why performance tracking for multiple sites is so annoying and demanding in the first place.

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Why Multi-Site Performance Tracking is a Pain

Tedious and Time-Consuming

Keeping track of just one website’s performance is difficult enough, but imagine having to do that for every relevant URL for multiple websites. That’s a huge time sink and one that doesn’t necessarily live up to the amount of time it takes.

Too Many URLs Can Be Tedious

When you manage a lot of client sites, like we do, the work multiplies. The problem isn’t checking one website, it’s knowing to check every relevant website or URL consistently. Not only can some relevant work get lost, but it can make all of that performance-tracking seem impossible.

Missing One Performance Metric Can Be Costly

Just because you spent days gathering important performance data for the big meeting doesn’t mean you got the metric they were looking for. When managing multiple client sites, or multiple clients, it can be easy to forget what data is more relevant to which client.

When the meeting starts and you realize the data you have isn’t the data they want, it’ll be a bad look for both you and your company.

How We Handle Bulk Performance Data-Tracking

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Websites, SEO, PPC, and other nerdy things
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If you’re looking for a solution just like we were, I’m happy to say we have you covered.

Bulk reporting is still relatively new, but it’s been an absolute game-changer for us. We have more time for our clients who trust us to know the ins and outs of how their website is performing at all times. Now, we can do that even better.

How do we do that? With a fairly useful URL. BulkPageData.com is the simple answer, and it comes with a lot of benefits.

Benefits of Using BulkPageData.com

  • We can check every one of our client’s websites with one visit
  • Raw data is immediately presented on basic CSVs
  • Generates PDFs that are ideal for client meetings and presentations
  • Helps to improve market strategizing with useful insights
  • Aids decision-making processes with relevant data
  • Leads to improved performance on all relevant URLs

The most important benefit is that it makes overall website maintenance a breeze.

Maintenance Made Easy

Thanks to the useful data provided, we can spot and fix every issue in a fraction of the time it used to take. Now we can regularly update every one of the sites we manage. Whether they’re major updates or just small tweaks to increase performance or UX, we can keep them all in tip-top shape while also making improvements. It can also shed light on some signs that a client’s website is in need of a re-design.

Overall, not only has this made managing our client’s websites much easier, it’s made our clients much happier. They love the immediate data BulkPageData provides because it leads to faster page speeds, a better functioning website, and far fewer worries.

Combine bulk data tracking with proactive maintenance routines, and you have a lot more time on your hands and a lot of happy customers.

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Why Bulk Tracking is a Game-Changer

Saves Time

Not only do you get valuable data in an instant, but you can get it for dozens of different sites at once. When you manage as many websites as we do, you finally get to enjoy a cup of coffee instead of scrambling for numbers before the next meeting

Maintains Agency Scaleability

If dealing with a growing number of clients seems daunting, bulk tracking changes that. Just because that client list is continuing to grow doesn’t mean your workload has to, just add more URLs to the bulk tracking pile.

Show Clients The Reports They Actually Want to See

Immediately generate the kind of detailed reports that not only help you manage client websites but also helps you to impress those clients. Without any extra effort, you can literally hand over reports with major insights into website performance.

Why Bulk Tracking Works for Our Agency

Juggling the number of client websites we work with can be a lot of work, but that’s why we look for the tools that can help us do it. Every process needs to be streamlined to be more efficient, and that includes website performance tracking. We utilize every advantage we can because that’s what our clients want us to do.

Clients want to give their input, but they don’t want to hover over you. They want to work with trusted partners who know how to improve or maintain their websites better than they do. Tools like BulkPageData.com help us to do just that. Our clients already have enough to worry about, the last thing we want is for them to worry about their websites.

Thanks to tools like BulkPageData.com, we’ve got their websites covered. You can do the same with yours.